For ipod instal brave 1.52.126
For ipod instal brave 1.52.126

for ipod instal brave 1.52.126 for ipod instal brave 1.52.126

  • Fixed Brave Wallet local storage data not being cleared when resetting Brave Wallet.
  • Fixed inability to sign transactions on custom EVM networks.
  • Fixed crash when loading SOL account page when a transaction is submitted that isn’t decoded.
  • Updated Jupiter Swap API to v4 to add support for versioned transactions.
  • Updated popup menu in the “Accounts” tab to include account actions.
  • Updated action text to bold and uppercase on the “Activity” tab.
  • Updated “Help Center” link to navigate directly to Brave Wallet section on Brave Help Center.
  • for ipod instal brave 1.52.126

    Updated Line chart color to match the new Brave Wallet design.Updated NFT details screen to match the new Brave Wallet layout.Updated NFT auto-discovery modal text.Implemented updated layout for Brave Wallet.Implemented versioned transactions for Solana swaps on Jupiter.Added the ability to connect to DApps by selected network per origin.Added support for Solana versioned transactions.Added support for NFT discovery for ENS tokens.Added network selector when importing from hardware wallet.Added the ability to import hardware wallet accounts from the onboarding page.Added “Hide balance” and “Show graph” options under Portfolio customizations in Brave Wallet menu.Added “Enable NFT auto-discovery” popup.Fixed intermittent “Failed to write the VPN config” errors which could prevent users from using Brave VPN in certain cases on Windows.Fixed crash which occurred when resuming an insecure download.Fixed download bubble not being displayed when a file download is completed.Fixed “Show tab search button” setting under brave://settings/appearance not being respected when a new window is opened.Fixed Brave VPN “Can’t connect to server” error message when switching between regions while already “Connected”.Fixed RSS feed parsing performance which caused high CPU usage when using certain sites.Fixed crash which could occur when refreshing the New Tab Page in certain cases.Fixed tokens being shown as ETH when not on asset list and added block explorer links for such tokens in panel and activity tab.Fixed switch network notifications incorrectly being fired when a custom network is selected.Fixed EIP-1559 gas estimation issue causing transfers to fail on zksync Era Mainnet when using Brave Wallet.Fixed download bubble not being displayed when a dangerous file is downloaded.Fixed issue where some Brave News images were incorrectly aligned.Improved tab spacing by adding a 4px left margin to tab icons.Updated label for “Reset and clear wallet data” under brave://settings/web3.Enabled support for EIP-1559 transactions on Optimism.

    for ipod instal brave 1.52.126

    Fixed crash when signing message with invalid EIP-712 request data as reported on HackerOne by matseq.

    For ipod instal brave 1.52.126